

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

The name Seokpajeong translates to "a house surrounded by water and clouds."

Kim Heung-geun, a prominent Joseon official during the reigns of Cheoljong and Gojong, commissioned its construction. Heungseon Daewongun used it as a villa once he assumed power.

King Gojong, the final king of Joseon, used it as a place to stay while he was away from the main palace or traveling.

It was both a location where he discussed national concerns with his subjects and a spot where he rested.


Seokpajeong is currently only accessible through the Seoul Museum of Art

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

Seokpajeong, the secret garden of Heungseon Daewongun

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

Stop for a rest and admire the breathtaking view of rock that can be found at the top of the promenade.

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

Additionally, Seokpajeong offers a stamp tour.

Bringing stamp tour paper with you at the entrance is a fun way to keep track of your progress as you make your way through the park's major attractions, and I imagine kids will enjoy doing the same.

seokpajeong museum seoul korea

Relaxing while taking in the view.

Feeling the gentle wind and seeing the sky change at the base of Inwangsan Mountain was the best way to spend my free time.


Address : 4-1, Changuimun-ro 11-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-499-0141

Operation Hours : Wednesday-Sunday : 11:00 - 17:00 (Last entry 16:00. Monday & Tuesday closed)

Instagram : @seoulmuseum


Source :

Writer : i1214

Special thanks to i1214


seokpajeong seoul seoulshopper buam-dong seoulmuseum