Baton / Monoha / Comfort Seoul / TRVR / Tutti Hannam

Baton / Monoha / Comfort Seoul / TRVR / Tutti Hannam

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

On a gorgeous day in the fall. As a farewell to my company, Sujin and I decided to go out to the Yongsan area. We met at Yongsan Station's Exit 1 and went to a popular brunch cafe Batong.

I noticed that Sujin had looked up more than ten brunch eateries, and because this one allowed online reservations, I immediately booked a table there.



1. Batong

Address : 33 Hangang-daero 15-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Operation Hours : Monday-Sunday : 10:00 - 18:00

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Although it was midday on a weekday, the store was so crowded that I couldn't snap pictures of the interior.

We ordered a Baton club sandwich (which appears to be the main menu) for 15,000 won; Soup of the Day for 8,000 won; and a Popover pancake for 18,900 won. For today's soup, we ordered tomato between sweet pumpkin and tomato.


Today's soup  8,000  /  Baton club sandwich 15,000

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The sandwich was served in two halves. The bread that came with the soup was crispy and delicious, and the soup itself was excellent.​


Popover Pancake  18,900

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

It looked like a pancake I'd never seen before, yet the first bite convinced me I'd had it before. Incredibly delicious, the hamong's salty flavor pairs wonderfully with the sweet and fluffy pancake.

Parking tip :

I overheard a customer asking about parking; however, parking in front of the store puts you at risk of being reported for unlawful parking and penalized, so I would advise using a public parking lot instead.



2. Cafe TRVR

Address : 45 Hoenamu-ro 44ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Operation Hours : Monday-Sunday : 09:00 - 20:30

Because the nearby cafe was so crowded, we decided to take a taxi to a place I was familiar with after seeing at DAYTRIP.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea




yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Even though the cafe was dark, it was a pleasant spot to stop for a bit due to the calm and cozy ambiance.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

A lovely window lets in natural light and provides a warm atmosphere in the Itaewon area. ​

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Surely they must be selling something, though I have no idea what.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

While there was plenty of gear and decorations, there was a lack of seating.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The store even added more ice to the coffee I didn't finish and gave me in a to-go cup. I also could see the boss of this cafe who is married to model Jang Yoon-ju.

It appeared to be a busy cafe with regulars, I need a cafe like this one to be located near my place so I can come here daily.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea



3. Comfort Seoul

Address : 358-144 Huam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Operation Hours : Tuesday-Sunday : 11:00 - 20:00

"Comfort Seoul" is a complex cultural space, where cafes, exhibitions, and editorial shops are gathered. There is an incredible variety of products available. One piece of advice is to go there after you get your paycheck.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Because I was concentrating so hard on getting a great shot of the structure, I spilled coffee all over my clothes (white sneakers and sky-blue trousers). If I'm still smiling, it may be because I'm enjoying my freedom from the company.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Clothes with a label called “Kijun” caught my eye, and I wished to fill my closet with them.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Plenty of adorable decorations and hat accessories.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Keychains and dolls with adorable designs. Sorry, Sujin, I don't have the money right now to buy it, but hopefully, I will soon!

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

There was plenty to see at this editorial shop. 

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

I found an ongoing exhibition on the upper floor.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

An audience participation exhibition <Raw-Drawing> was in progress. So I grabbed a pen and went right in.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

You can see why you need to come soon. No more blank walls remain to write

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

We’d already been to the cafe today, so we skipped coffee!

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The open scenery was very welcoming. If only the fine dust wasn't so irritating,...



4. Monoha hannam

Address : 36 Dokseodang-ro, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Operation Hours : Tuesday-Sunday : 11:00 - 19:30

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The next stop was an art gallery and editorial shop in Hannam-dong. All of my favorite styles are there, neatly arranged by color.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Even the plates are works of art.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The walls were covered with paintings, giving the impression of a gallery. 

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

The ceramics are lovely as well.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

It was a very quiet environment, but everything seemed to be full of sincerity. 

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Sunlight made the space more attractive.



5. Tutti Hannam

Address : 27 Daesagwan-ro 24-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Operation Hours : Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 21:00, Saturday : 10:00 - 20:00 (Sunday closed)

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

We had to wait because it was a weekday during the day and the cafe wasn't particularly large.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

It took me 5 minutes of waiting, but I finally got a beautiful window seat.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

We'd already had our fill of coffee for the day, so we got a Petit orange and some sweets to share.

yongsan hannam-dong trvr seoultrip korea

Cute poodle and bichon sitting next to me on the couch.

From Yongsan to Hannam-dong, I ended up walking far more than I should have. I got so exhausted that I could hardly make it home.


Source :

Writer : dpfls2989

Special thanks to dpfls2989


baton monoha trvr comfort seoul

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