Unhyeongung (Palace)

Unhyeongung (Palace)

Located in the middle of Jongno, the spectacular Unhyeongung (Palace) stands out for its magnificent appearance and atmosphere from the street.

Let me introduce the inside, which is decked out in tasteful decor and other enticing amenities.

unhyeongung palace seoul

From Anguk Station's Exit 4, head in the direction of Nakwon-dong, and you'll eventually come across the long-walled palace of Unhyeongung.

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Heungseon Daewongun ruled over this area for ten years before Gojong (King of Joseon) entered adulthood.

There is a public parking lot not far away that you can use.

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On this date in June, I took part in a program.

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I arrived at the palace a little early that day and took a look around.

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"Sujiksa" on the right side, which was the residence of officials who were in charge of security.

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Across the street, in the Relics Exhibition Hall, you can learn more about Unhyeongung (Palace) and the late Joseon Dynasty.

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After taking the side tunnel, you'll arrive at "Iro-dang," the primary residence. The name Iro refers to Heungseon Daewongun and his wife Min.

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This residence is more equivalent to a palace than a normal noble manor.

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backyard space that's quite vast.

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This section, beginning with "Donghanggak," and ending with "Norakdang" are related. Come with me, and I'll show you around the interior.

If you follow this road,

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you will head to "Noandang," Daewongun's primary house.

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The day's Discourse Concert (a concert without music but with talk instead) was held in "Norakdang," accessible by a door on the side of the building. The wedding of King Gojong and Empress Myeongseong also took place there.

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At about 6:30 p.m., we gathered in front of "Irodang"

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After listening to the docent's talk, we returned to the visitor center for some refreshments.

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Use shoe covers to shield the hardwood flooring from dirty shoes. We finished our tea and continued down the hall.

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Irodang to Namhaenggak was a very lengthy route. The smell of the aged wood and the sound of the cracks transported me back in time as I strolled.

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unhyeongung palace seoul

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After the Talk-concert, a traditional Korean music event at "Irodang," was held there. The audience's reactions and level of attention were very different from what I was used to.

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unhyeongung palace seoul

As you leave, the lights of Unhyeongung (Palace) will let you to take in its unique beauty.

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Going to Unhyeongung, where tea time is usually a pleasure, for a cup would be delightful (Palace).


Address : 464 Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul  OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-766-9090

Operation Hours : Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 - 18:00 (Monday closed)

Website : www.unhyeongung.or.kr

Admission fee : free


Source : https://blog.naver.com/hy7276/222865517816

Writer : Rosemary

Special thanks to Rosemary


unhyeongung seoul seoulshopper palace jongno

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