Mamamoo Mycon
Seeing Mamamoo perform alone for the first time at their concert was an amazing experience!
Although I had previously seen Mamamoo perform at events like Dream Concert or Queendom, this was their very first original concert, and I couldn't have been more thrilled.
Thankfully, I was able to purchase a ticket for the standing section of the concert.
I have watched concerts by Big Bang and Blackpink at the Gymnastic Arena, I do not understand why Mamamoo's concert was held at Olympic Hall rather than the Gymnastic Arena.
As the space at the Gymnastic arena was quite tiny, seeing them up close was a pleasant surprise; but I was embarrassed that there were no merchandise stalls where I could buy light sticks, etc.
As there was a line, I thought it was a booth selling anything, but it turned out to be just someone handing out her stickers. These from the above picture were only available for purchase.
At 16:30, we joined the queue for the standing section. The wait time at the outdoor toilet was extremely long, therefore I suggest instead using the toilets inside the cafe.
There's no need to line up early because the standing section processes people in numerical order.
Since there was nowhere to get a light stick, I was really dissatisfied; nevertheless, I managed to find someone to buy one from online in time.
I paid full price for it, but he made his way to the front of the line to hand it to me personally!
I was concerned about standing very far away from the stage when I came back from the toilet, but there were more standing seats than I had anticipated, so there was not too much competition for the place.
Although the space is large, it seems confined. The concert's security staff advised me to contact or ask for water immediately if I or anyone else felt sick during the concert.
It was chaotic for a bit because someone fell down near us right before the closing song came out, and the security guards had to come running. There was no real risk in pushing each other, but it appears that she was feeling not good.
1, 2, 3, EOI
"1, 2, 3, eoi" was performed as the opening song. Absolutely thrilling!! My throat stung because I yelled as loud as I could.
Songs from their debut album, such as "Freakin Shoes" were included in the opening of the concert. As an old song, I find it amusing, but I also find that the new song "ILLELLA" has a similar feel.
The cartoon played in the background as they changed clothes, and it was said that "Solar" was responsible for the story. I was able to immediately distinguish "Hwasa" thanks to the combination of the amusing image and fascinating text.
Somewhat of a horror stuff, it was quite terrifying.
The song "Taller than You" was great fun. The sincerity with which "Hwasa" looked at "Solar" and said, "You have a really big head," made the remark hilarious.
I especially loved the solo song shift during the concert. Even though they were all excellent, "Hwasa" performing Eclipse stood out as the highlight. Listen to it if you're interested in hearing a genuine, emotional scream.
The performance of "Maria" by Mamamoo was fantastic.
It seems like they changed into these clothes and sang "Paint me." It was very disappointing because the mood was about to end. Two hours went by so quickly.
The song "Hip" was the most thrilling of all time. It was a lot of fun singing all together as a group. I was yelling out to the universe.
The chat between the gaps was so much fun. Just like the ones I've seen on YouTube, they look exactly the same. Amazing members, I love you all.
Looking at this photo, I can now confirm that the feeling I had of making eye contact with "Hwasa" was true.
Encore "Travel"
Fans went absolutely nuts during the concert's encore. Mamamoo members even took pictures together with their Phones and Polaroids. One day I hope to be in the very front row of the audience for a live concert.
Including the encore, Mamamoo's performance lasted three hours. I really wanted to attend again the concert the following day because it was such a joyous and exciting experience. But I glanced at my bank account and decided to put up with it.
I hope the rest of your world tour goes well and that you enjoy yourselves. I'll see you at a fan signing event soon, Mamamoo.
Time : 2022.11.18 - 2022.11.20
Location : Seoul Olympic Hall
Instagram : @mamamoo_official
Source : https://blog.naver.com/gennyyi/222935775485
Writer : gennyyi
Special thanks to gennyyi
mamamoo seoul concert solar moonbyul wheein hwasa worldtour