Any Occasion (cheongdam-dong)

Any Occasion (cheongdam-dong)

Cheongdam Brunch Cafe Any Occasion

anyoccasion seoul

Wow, that's a busy spot! It surprises me that there are so many people here on a weekday at this hour. After waiting for perhaps 20 minutes, I was eventually seated.

Inside, it was even smaller, but the staff was so nice that I didn't mind the inconvenience. Outside seating is strongly encouraged due to the limited seating inside.

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

Cutie !!

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasin seoul

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

Bagels are my own choice!


Grocery corner

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

Everything was wonderful, except for the coffee, which was dreadful. If I had been aware of this beforehand, I would have opted for a glass of the house wine instead.

anyoccasion seoul

Seats are like this

anyoccasion seoul

The table seemed to have more issues than the chair, and I came dangerously close to tipping it over.

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

Coffee and other beverages were served later, although there was no longer any space for them.

anyoccasion seoul

We were seated directly in front of the cashier, and customers continued coming and going while we watched them place their orders.

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasion seoul

anyoccasin seoul

When I go there again, I need to go to the outdoor seating area.


Address : 14 Dosan-daero 51-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-507-1435-1470

Operation Hours : Tuesday-Sunday : 10:50 - 21:00 (Monday closed)

Menu : bagel 3,800 - 4,500 / Salmon & Salmon roe 10,800 / Mushroom & Egg 9,300 / Omelet 10,800

Instagram : Click for more images


Source :

Writer : ykhj0713

Special thanks to ykhj0713


anyoccasion seoul cheongdam bagel apgujeong

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