Daeha Sikdang

Daeha Sikdang

The restaurant Daeha Sikdang is one that I used to visit very often in the past. After it gained popularity, though, I stopped going as frequently because I disliked having to wait in line.

I was craving Samgyeopsal (pork belly) cooked in a pot cover. So, after a long time away, I finally visited Daeha Sikdang with my mom and brother.

My mom says that there was a line out the door even after it opened at 4 o'clock. I have no idea what the current situation is, but please consider it if you go.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​The outer board indicates that if there are four teams in front of us, we will have to wait for about one hour. We got there after 7 PM and there were two teams ahead of us, we had to wait about 30 or 40 minutes.


It seems that the price has risen, but it is still cheap...!!​

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​We were told they were out of rice by the time we arrived.

Listening in on conversations in the back, I learned that when the rice runs out, I can pick up a package of microwaveable rice from the nearby convenience store.

However, we agreed to eat only meat and no rice.


About two or three days later, I went back to Daeha Sikdang with some friends, but we were unable to eat again since they had run out of rice. Although the exact time will vary from day to day, most days the rice is gone by 19:30.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

Interior with an antique atmosphere. The papers affixed to the ochre-colored walls are extremely dated, so you can feel an old-fashioned vibe.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​It's interesting to watch. My sister and I saw many things we had never seen before, but Mom looked lost in her memories for a while.


How to grill Samgyeopsal


How to eat Samgyeopsal

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea


Samgyeopsal  40,000 won (600g - for 3 people)

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​Samgyeopsal was served (the first minimum order for Samgyeopsal is 600g)

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

When the pot's lid became hot, I started adding the meat.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

added some salt​​

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

Lettuce, garlic, red pepper, kimchi, radish, and green onion are all included, even if they aren't shown in the photo.



daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​It is a soup made with soybean paste.

It appears somewhat flavorless, but it tasted perfect. A spoonful of soup has a flavor that reminds me of rice..!! It would have been perfect with hot rice, but I was too late and they were out.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

Grilled some garlic in the center. It's impossible to have tasty Samgyeopsal without garlic.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​Meanwhile, my brother was blending Somaek (a popular drink mixed with soju & beer)

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

​We emptied three bottles of soju and one bottle of beer, while I was grilling the meat & kimchi with care so as not to slow down the pace.

Because they were out of rice, I ordered an extra 300g of Samgyeopsal.

daeha sikdang seoul barbecue restaurant korea

It's been a while, yet it tastes just as good as ever.

You won't regret waiting in line for this delicious barbecue. I can't wait to introduce my friends to this amazing restaurant.


Address : 17 Chebu-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-734-9503

Operation Hours : Monday-Saturday : 16:00 - 22:00 (Sunday closed)

Instagram : click for more images


Source : https://blog.naver.com/parkhj5678/222916095462

Writer : parkhj5678

Special thanks to parkhj5678


daeha sikdang seoul seochon barbecue samgyeopsal


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