Guldari Sikdang

Guldari Sikdang

Today, we'll take a look at Guldari Sikdang, a popular eatery not far from the Gongdeok subway station.

​This eatery is well-known for its Kimchi-jjigae (stew), Jeyuk-bokkeum (stir-fried pork), and Gyeranmari (egg roll). There were no excuses not to go, as the restaurant offers three menus consisting of Korean comfort foods.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

Guldari Sikdang is the name of the eatery, although "Specialized in Kimchi-jjigae" is much more prominent on the sign.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

Guldari was written a little towards the bottom of the sign, which I only noticed as I got closer. The outside looks and feels quite vintage.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

The eatery's atmosphere is more retro and cool upon entering, with its cherry-colored decor.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

As previously stated, you can choose between Kimchi-jjigae (stew), Jeyuk-bokkeum (stir-fried pork), or Gyeranmari (egg roll).

As soon as we took a seat, the owner asked, "Every single one?" and then disappeared without waiting for a response. It seems very typical here to order one of everything on the menu.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

Due to the limited selection of just three menu items, our food arrived promptly. When you take a seat and set your cutlery, your main and side dishes will arrive at the same time.


Jeyuk-bokkeum  12,000 won

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

It's not the typical lean pork; rather, it's pork neck meat prepared in a unique thick cut.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

​It had an appetizing appearance, and the flavor was excellent as well.


Kimchi-jjigae  9,000 won

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

The taste wasn't something special, but the thick, juicy meat inside made for a satisfying mouthfeel. The meat wasn't as tough as I expected it to be.

It looked like my grandmother's Kimchi-jjigae, which I ate whenever I visited her in the countryside.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

From the color, it seemed like Mugeunji (long-time fermented kimchi) was used.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

The soup had a sour flavor and was well-seasoned. Unfortunately, it was disappointing because it did not remain hot in the standard silver pot.


Gyeranmari  10,000 won

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

The egg rolls were quite sizable.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

The texture was excellent. I don't like mushy, watery egg rolls, but this one was quite substantial and satisfying.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

Each table has a container of seaweed. This restaurant appears to have a thorough understanding of what we desire, from egg rolls to seaweed.

guldari sikdang kimchi jjigae restaurant seoul

We finished all three of our menu selections. None of the three menus at Guldari Restaurant were especially amazing, but they were all true to the originals in terms of flavor. This flavor is probably what comes to everyone’s mind when you think of Kimchi-jjigae, Jeyuk-bokkeum, or Gyeranmari.

But, keeping that flavor consistent over time is difficult and this appears to be the key to Guldari Restaurant's success.


Address : 8-1 Saechang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-712-0066

Operation Hours : Monday-Sunday : 08:00 - 22:00

Instagram : Click for images


Source :

Writer : kimzmo0413

Special thanks to kimzmo0413


guldari sikdang kimchi-jjigae mapo gongdeok seoul


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