Hadongkwan (Myeongdong store)

Hadongkwan (Myeongdong store)

This restaurant has been around for a long time and is so well-known that it doesn't need to be explained further. Over eighty years have passed since it began in 1938.

Famous for its Gomtang (beef soup) in Myeongdong, this is the main location of Hadongkwan.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

Five years ago, in 2018, there was a fire here. This is my first visit since then.

Now that I work from home, I can't come to Myeongdong as often as I used to because it's so far away. Instead, I frequently visit another Hadongkwan COEX location; however, the parking cost there is too expensive.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

I used to sometimes have lunch here with coworkers from the company, but almost none of them are still working there.

One of their popular dish Suyuk (boiled beef) is something I've never tried before but definitely want to. All of this is because of their business hours. Since they only open until 4 PM, it's not simple to go early and eat Suyuk, which goes well with Soju (a Korean alcoholic beverage).

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

People were already dining when I arrived, which was just after 10 in the morning. Start a day with Hadongkwan Ggomtang. That sounds awesome.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

Hadongkwan also has locations in Yeouido (2 locations), COEX, Myeongdong. I've only been to COEX and the main store in Myeongdong.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

A picture from the last day, when it was in Samgak-dong, Jung-gu district. It then moved to Myeongdong, where it is now.



hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

Using only local ingredients for the Gomtang. I always order 25-Gong (25,000 won) because it has more meat than the regular (15,000 won) one.

Just to let you know, here, you have to pay in advance when you place your order.


25-Gong Gamtang  25,000 won

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

When I was a kid and had my first gomtang, I didn't understand why the soup was so clear. But ever since I experienced it, this particular Gomtang kept popping into my head.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

Oh, and the kimchi here tastes amazing.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

Just ask for the meat if you don't like intestines; I don't mind eating anything, so I went with the original. Chadolbagi, a cut of beef brisket, and Gopchang (beef intestines) are included in this 25-gong gomtang.

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

hadongkwan myeongdong michelin seoul gomtang restaurant

To enhance the flavor, garnish with green onions and add a pinch of pepper.

My wife had the regular Gomtang (15,000 won), there were only three pieces of Chadolbagi (beef) in it. Despite the recent price increases, the fact that a bowl of gomtang costs 15,000 won and only contains three pieces of beef is still disappointing.

However, Hadongkwan Gomtang is incredibly delicious despite its small serving size.



Address : 12 Myeongdong 9-gil, Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-776-5656

Operation Hours : Mon-Sat : 07:00 - 16:00 (Sunday closed)

Instagram : click for more images


Source : https://blog.naver.com/yw0128/223263813724

Writer : yw0128

Special thanks to yw0128


hadonggwan myeongdong gomtang michelin seoul


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