HOUSE BY (Matin kim / The museum vistor)

HOUSE BY (Matin kim / The museum vistor)

houseby seoul

houseby seoul

Small coffee shop inside, but the exterior would be perfect for a photo for Instagram.

houseby seoul

houseby seoul

The entrance of the store is quite spacious. You can have some coffee in the back showroom.

In the Martin Kim (Seongsu, Seoul) showroom, you can try on summer products and 2022 S/S products you saw in the online mall!

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houseby seoul

The counter has been made to look like something out of Matin Kim and The Museum Visitor

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Very little space is dedicated to serving coffee.

Only around three tables are available, so if you visit on the weekend or during other high-traffic times, you may be out of luck finding a place to sit.

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houseby seoul

My sis really wanted to go to the Martin Kim store. In reality, I have little interest in fashion and always tag along with my sister when we go shopping, but this time there were so many lovely items in the showroom.

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You can also use the dressing room to try on clothes.

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My lovely sister in her jumpsuit.

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Products by Matin Kim are works of art. The option to try things on and see what works best was a huge plus.

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The Americano coffee I had had a strong acidity and a raisin and plum flavor profile. Acidic + Raisins are not to my liking.

My sister, on the other hand, enjoyed the sweet and flavorful latte.

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Liked this training outfit a lot. Windbreakers have become a regular dating attire for me in recent years.

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The Museum Visitor even has its little section of the Martin Kim store.

A wide variety of garments, all with a distinct hipster vibe. Like something my friend, who exudes a strong hip feel, would appreciate.

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Additionally, the Martin Kim online store offers a wide variety of products. Martin Kim (seongsu-dong) is the place to go if you're having trouble making a purchase online.


Address : 24-33 Achasan-ro 5(o)-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-2-461-2277

Operation Hours : Tuesday-Sunday : 11:30 - 22:00 (Monday closed)

Instagram : @houseby______


Source :

Writer : yubabo_

Special thanks to yubabo_


houseby seoul seoulshopper seongsu matinkim


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