

In the heart of the industrial district, near both Sindorim and Mullae stations.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Red brick, big windows, and an up-to-date facade exterior.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

featuring a small logo "mokki"

Mokki means wooden bowl in Japanese. In Finnish, cottage or villa. It has been recently opened, so the interior is spotless, the ceiling is high, and there is plenty of natural light coming in through the window.


"The beginning of comfort and relaxation"

mokki mullae cafe seoul

is what they want to provide their customers.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

The store's interior features a massive light and a massive table that occupies almost 70% of the space. Because of the uniformity of the black and wood decor, the atmosphere was incredibly soothing.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Since coffee is the primary reason for our visit, let's go ahead and place an order before we do anything else.



mokki mullae cafe seoul

Cannelé (vanilla and matcha) and Milk cream roll topped with seasonal fruits. In addition to these two delicious sweets, they also offer Bingsu (red bean shaved ice) during the summer months.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Filter coffee and espresso-based drinks are both available. You can select from three or four distinct bean varieties when ordering filter coffee.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Exposed concrete, freshly refinished wood, and spotless wooden furnishings create an aesthetic masterpiece throughout the shop. Super cool.


Filter Coffee (Yirgacheffe)  7,000 won

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Our filter coffee and pure milk cream roll were ready after I had browsed the shop for a time.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

One of my favorite coffees, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. It's a light and pleasant coffee with notes of flowers and fruit. It's not my style, but once ordered, it never fails to deliver the best cup of coffee possible. (Of course, this only applies to the author.)


Milk Cream Roll (with Seasonal fruit)  6,500 won

mokki mullae cafe seoul

mokki mullae cafe seoul

It felt like it would stick to my mouth when I ate it, but the very light and soft cream underneath and the peaches on top went very well together. It complemented the coffee wonderfully.

mokki mullae cafe seoul

mokki mullae cafe seoul

Cafe Mokki in Mullae-dong has wonderful natural lights through the huge windows.

The view from where I was sitting by the window, it feel like I had been transported to another world. The door and window separated me from the outside world's noise and dust. It was a nice place to come when you want to escape from the busy city life.

Like the words above, "the beginning of comfort and relaxation".



Address : 732 Gyeongin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-507-1348-2954

Operation Hours : Monday-Sunday : 12:00 - 22:00

Instagram : Click for images


Source :

Writer : dongll

Special thanks to dongll


mokki mullae seoul cafe


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