Cheong wa ok

Cheong wa ok

​To eat sundaeguk, I went to Cheong-wa-ok in Euljiro.

Seven teams were lined up in front of me. Perhaps since I arrived before working hours, the wait wasn't as long as I had anticipated.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

The guys in front and behind me were all focused on me while taking photos, but I couldn't see it because I was posing.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Famous comedian Yoo Jae-suk also dined at this Cheong-wa-ok restaurant in a well-known TV show "Hangout with Yoo".

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Water was free for those in front who were waiting.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Entered after around 20 minutes of waiting



cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

On the Internet, there are a lot of customer reviews and comments. The fact that there are many reviews makes Cheong-wa-ok even more appealing to me.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Attractive interior in the old Korean style. The wall in particular gave me the impression that I was viewing a piece of art.

Attractive interior in the korean style

​​cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Mango and strawberry juice were provided as desserts with extra ice cups.


Side dish

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro


Sundaeguk (Spicy level +2)  10,000 won

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

I simply ordered the soup with only the sundae because I couldn't eat the offal meat that goes into the sundaeguk, but my friend ordered the original sundaeguk.

The number of sundaes in mine ranged from 10 to 12, and the original Sundaeguk contained the right quantity of meat and sundae.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro​Before mixing the sauce, I tried the soup, but I found it to be a little too salty.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

So, instead of mixing the entire sauce, I lowered it and added additional sauce as I tasted the soup.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Add some pepper to enhance the flavor.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

With an ice-cold beer !!

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

It was unfortunate that it wasn't cooler than I anticipated, but beer is always correct, right?

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

 The sundae inside the soup was delicious and had no smell at all.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Put all the rice in it and mix.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

Sundaeguk with level +2 spicy. Definitely spicy, but tasty.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

​With some radish kimchi on top.

cheongwaok sundae seoul euljiro

It was a shame I couldn't finish it because I was too full from the beer. The next time I go, I won't drink beer and will simply eat sundaeguk.

I was delighted to meet such delicious sundaeguk and it was a pleasure to visit Cheong-wa-ok.


Address : 110 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul OPEN GOOGLE MAP

Phone : +82-507-1448-1309

Operation Hours : Monday-Sunday : 08:00 - 22:00


Source :

Writer : bans90

Special thanks to bans90


cheongwaok seoul seoulshopper euljiro sundaeguk citycenter yoojaesuk hangoutwithyoo


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